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your eyes go almost completely black, like shark eyes but you'll barely be able to see the colored part of your eye. and i mean barely. it also depends on the person though. mine got extremely dilated.

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Q: How much do one's pupils dilate while on MDMA?
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What effect does psilocybin drug have on your pupils?

If taken orally, the drug will just dilate your pupils very much. If taken through the nostril in a crushed form, it may cause your eyes to water, redden, and will dilate them even more because the ecstasy hits the bloodstream near your eyes quicker this way.

What do pupils dilate means?

That the photoreceptor's in your eyes may be weak. or that you have concussion are unconscious or drugged or that there is not much light

Which dilates the pupils?

Pupils dilate when there's not enough light in the room or area you're in. They dilate to let in as much light as possible so you can see as well as you can in the dark. When outside and it's bright, your pupils get smaller because there is too much light. ~ ~Imadork881 changed to Sleenky ^.^

Why do the pupils dilate when you are excited?

Pupils dilate to allow more light to fall of the back of the retina. Pupils typically dilate in low light conditions, during states of sympathetic nervous system stimulation, and in response to a number of nervous system stimulant drugs and hallucinogenic drugs.

Why do your pupils dilate when you see someone attractive?

I'm not sure exactly why, but your pupils dilate for some scientific reasoning having to do with your brain and what you find attractive, something like that. However this only happens for like a split second, and then the eyes go back to normal.

Can too much caffeine dilate your pupils?

Yes it can - Caffeine is a stimulant and causes a release of adrenaline. Adrenaline is the hormone which prepares us for 'fight or flight' in stressful situations and it has a number of effects on the body. One of these effects is dilated pupils (if you are going to fight or run away from danger, you will need to be able to see as well as possible!)

Why pupils have turned black in a teenage girl?

The pupil is the innermost circle in the eye. It should always be black, regardless of the person's eye color. The pupils can increase or decrease in size depending on how much light. Pupils can also change in response to the effects of medications or street drugs.Here are two videos. In the first, a doctor explains why drops dilate the pupils for eye exams. In the second, you can see a close-up of someone shining light onto a person's pupils and removing the light.

Why do your pupil go big in the light?

Much like the aperture on a camera the pupils dilate to allow more light to fall onto the optical receptors. In bright settings there is less need for light and pupils constrict.

How do you undo dialated eyes?

Certain drugs can cause your eyes to dilate or constrict but barring that it is mostly a function of regulating how much light is entering the eye. If you want to undilate your eye, be in brighter light.Also check out this web site. It might help you out some.

What do your pupils do when you go into shock?

Your pupils dilate. Your nervous system is in control of your pupils it affects the cranial nerve called the ocular nerve which causes it to not respond to light hence the dilation.

How much is 62.5 percent out of 480 pupils in a school?

300 pupils.

Why cant you see less when your pupils get smaller?

Because your pupils adjust to the light and when there is more light your pupils get smaller and when there isn't much light your pupils get bigger .