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In Australia it would cost between $50 - $70, but I dont know in the U.S

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Q: How much does Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows game costs?
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How much did the movie Harry Potter and the deathly hollows part 1 costs?

The combined budget for both halves of Deathly Hallows is estimated at $250 million.

What is the newest Harry Potter book called and how much does it cost?

The last Harry Potter Book is Harry Potter and the Deatly Hallows.It was published in the UK, US and other English speaking countries on 21 July 2007. There are different editions of the books. The first editions rrp is £17.99 The signature editions rrp is £8.99 (I have this one z8-P) The adult edition is also £17.99 but they are all cheaper in WHSmiths or online.

How much is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in the Philippines?

The paperback edition costs around Php 545.00Am not entirely sure about this, but it's definitely above Php 500.00.The hardbound edition costs around Php 1 000 +

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"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" is the 7th installment in the Harry Potter book series. It was split into 2 parts for the film series. The book usually costs approximately $11-$23 depending upon paperback or hardback and where it is purchased from. The films can sometimes be bought around the same price depending upon where they are purchased from and which format.

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Barty Crouch Jr costs 900,000 studs on Lego Harry Potter.

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Prices vary depending on the edition you want to purchase.On Amazon the book Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone costs around $.7.02 and the movie is about $5.25.

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Can you book the Harry Potter book trunk by itself?

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How much does a wand cost at universal?

A Harry Potter wand at Universal Studios costs thirty dollars.

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What is the price of one ticket for entry at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter?

it costs 109 for two days and 79 for one day