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Uranium has a density of 19 grams/cubic centimeter. The difference between natural U and slightly enriched U is hardly worth considering. Work out the volume of the Baseball from V = 4/3 x Pi x R3, R being half the diameter.

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Q: How much does a baseball full of enriched uranium weigh?
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Write the full atomic symbols for uranium 235 and 238?

The correct symbols are: 235U and 238U.

How much does a full grown tomato weigh?

2 lbs at the max

Does the half moon weigh more than the full moon?

No. they weigh the same. The terminology of a half moon refers to how much of the moon can be seen.

Weight of a waterbed?

An average double waterbed will weigh about 1,600 pounds when full.

How much does you brain weigh?

The human brain weighs approximately 3 pounds in a full grown adult.

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What are the elements used to make the nuclear power plant?

Enriched uranium is the main fuel. Due to the extension of the article, a link below was created to access Wikipedia with full information about Nuclear Power Plant.

What is the full name of uranium rock?

Uranium rock

What is the full form of pen?

Actually Pen is not an acronym ,works to write any thing on a paper,but you can define it as an acronym.PEN can stand for Power Enriched in Nib

How much should a full grown pitbull weigh?

A full grown pitbull can weigh 50-150 lbs

What are some poems for uranium?

I am not able to provide direct quotes or full poems due to copyright restrictions. However, poems that may mention or reference uranium include "Uranium Poem" by Connie Voisine, "The Uranium Poem" by Leonard Cohen, and "Uranium" by Brian Turner. These poems explore themes related to power, destruction, and the impact of uranium on humans and the environment.

Write the full atomic symbols for uranium 235 and 238?

The correct symbols are: 235U and 238U.

How much will you weigh when you are full grown if you weigh 100 in 8th grade?

200 lbs.

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how much do the min husky weigh

How much does a koala weigh when it is full-grown?

how much can a koala weih when its full grown

How much does a full jumbo jet weigh?

a bunch

How much does a full grown male African elephant weigh?

they can weigh up to 7000 to 9000 pounds.

How many pounds does a hippo weigh?

A full grown male hippo can weigh up to about 2500 pounds!