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Depends on the seller. Usually 5 to 20 passes.

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Q: How much does a divine on Howrse cost?
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On howrse what are divine horses?

Horses that are rarer even than the Specials. They cost ALOT of Equus and Passes!

How much does an Achilles heel cost on the game howrse?

You cannot buy them on howrse

How much are divine horses on Howrse?

The Divines that are saleable typically go for 100,000+Equus.

How much does an ultrasound cost on Howrse?

An ultrasound costs 50 equus. --starsun22 (eventinglover on howrse)

How do you get a Howrse Cowbra?

You can not 'get' a Cowbra. Their is only one Cowbra on howrse and it can't be sold or reproduced. The Howrse Player who owns this Amazing Divine horse is Michiba. And as some Howrse players ask "Can Divine Horses Die" The answer is No. When Divine Horses are given to you they already have Philosopher's Stone. Happy Howrsing!!! -Hygreet36

How much to howrse cards cost?

It depends where you buy it from.

What are the big ages on Howrse?

A normal Howrse; about 27+, a divine og immortal over 200 years.

How much do rabbits usually cost on Howrse?

Rabbits cost 4000e in the equestrian centre shop.

Can sleipnir breed on Howrse?

No, its a divine horse which cant be bred

Are harlequins allowed to breed on Howrse?

No. No special or divine howrse can breed. Except the mist and snow which equals a ocean!

What is the difference between divine and wild horses on howrse?

A divine Howrse is normally based off Greek mythology, and gives gifts such as BMIs to its producer or owner. A Wild Howrse must be tamed, is based off real breeds, and gifts its owner diamonds.

What is a amethyst on Howrse?

It is a Divine Horse (Really rare! Wish I had one!)