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Q: How much does a peck weight?
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How much does a peck of tomatoes weight?

1 Imperial peck = 9.09218 litres 1 U.S. peck = 8.80977 litres

How much weight did josh peck lose?

over 100 pounds

How did josh peck lose so much weight?

he went on a great diet called bulimia.

How much is in a peck?

A peck is a measure of dry volume - not of weight. 8 dry quarts (16 dry pints) - note not for liquids. Thus the weight would depend on what was being measured: feathers or lead sinkers.

How josh peck lose weight?

by not eating and excersicing

How much does a peck of peppers weigh?

Pecks are measures of volume and not of weight. There are 4 pecks in a bushel. The average bushel of peppers weighs 30 pounds, so a peck of peppers weighs an average of 7.5 pounds in the United States.

How much wood can a woodpecker peck if a woodpecker would peck wood?

About 15 pounds

How much wood would a wood pecker peck if a wood pecker wood peck wood?

a wood pecker would peck as much as a wood pecker could, if i would pecker could peck wood. but isn't it a wood chuck?

How much peck in a bussell?

thank you

How much wood do woodpeckers peck?

as much as they want to

Quarts in a peck?

A peck is a measure of volume. A pound is a measurement of weight. A peck of small rocks is heavier than a peck of rock cakes. A peck of pebbles would weigh more (lbs etc.) than a peck of apples.---- An Imperial peck is 9.09218376 litres in volume, or 16 dry pints. A US peck is 8.80977 litres.

How much does a peck of banana peppers weigh?

Depends on the banana, but the skin makes up around 60% of the bananas total weight.