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i just got a piece done on my ribs last night. I'm not gunna lie it hurt like a bitch. When they are going over your ribs or on your hip bone your entire body vibrates. The shader feels a lot better than the needle but then at about an hour and a half in it just gets sensitive as hell. but it'll be there forever. i would say it's worth it; i would probably do it again

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Q: How much does a tattoo over your ribs hurt?
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Where does it hurt less to get a tattoo?

A tattoo on the bony parts are rather painful for example the ribs skull and shin.

Do rib tattoo's hurt and how much?

First thing I want to say, is that, I have never ever heard of someone wanting to get a tattoo on their ribs and I personally think its quite creative. Anyways, I do know that the average tattoo is around $200. Depending on where it is, the price will rise. It the price will change also, depending on the size of the tattoo. So I would think that the price would be around 1000 dollars. Depending on the size.

What is the meaning of tattoos on the rib cage?

when they say "getting a tattoo on the ribs" they're referring to the skin over top of the ribs. Usually anywhere on your side, from your hips up to your armpit.

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Were don't you get a tattoo?

There are no place you don't get tattoo. You get the tattoo where you can take the pain like the bicept is a less painful place to get a tattoo because of the amount of mussel there compaired to getting a tattoo on your foot where the is not much mussel or fat to help it is right on the bone. Anywhere that it is on the bone will hurt way more then any mussel or fat area. Other places that you don't want to get them if you can't take pain is like under the arm, hand, ribs, feet, low back, neck and your head are the places that hurt more. Place that they are not going to be as painful is upper back, legs, bicept and four arm. That's all I can tell you hope it helped.

What does it mean when different ribs hurt at different times at night like my ribs hurt really really bad but not all the time just sometimes and its not just the same rib its always different ribs?

There's something wrong with more than one of your ribs.

How do you use the word ribs in a sentence?

The broken hull exposed the shattered ribs of the grounded ship, lying askew in the shoals. My ribs hurt!

When you breathe why do your ribs hurt?

They should not hurt at all unless you have damaged them some way.

Is it possible to hurt your ribs from crying too hard?


Why do your ribs tickle so much?

Your ribs might hurt when you laugh because probably you have a problem with your stomach area or ribs. Don't be too frightened its probably just a temporary thing. One of my aunts had a similar symptom.

Does it hurt if you get a tattoo on you chest?

Tattoos will hurt where ever you get them. It's a spinning needle being stuck in and out of your skin so there's no avoiding pain. You can, however, reduce the amount of pain you receive by sticking to certain areas. Your chest in specific though can be either quite painful or perhaps only a minor irritation. If it's over a lot of muscle then it shouldn't be as bad as going over your ribs because boney areas are very sensitive. Always be prepaired for pain and ask your artist the best way to prepair for a tattoo. It may also have to do with your pain tollerance so be ready!

Why do your ribs always hurt when you run?

This is just a regular cramp from running, run more, build up your endurance and all should be alright.