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Firstly, kilometres are a measure of distance, not weight.

Secondly, nobody knows, because unicorns are mythical creatures and no proof of a unicorn ever existing has been found.

For a rough answer - a unicorn would probably weigh about the same as a horse.

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7 pounds 12 ounce

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Q: How much does a unicorn's horn weight?
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What is a unicorns horn called?

An Alicorn

How much does unicorns weigh?

As much as an average horse, plus the horn whis is about 5 pounds.

What is unicorns famous for?

Unicorns are famous for their ability in magic and for their horn.

How did unicorns get their name?

By somebody naming them when someone adopt them from the evils

How long can unicorns horns be?

the unicorns horn is 12 inches long

The unicorns horn was able to counteract what evil substance?

any evil subject at all, and i think the unicorns can live for a week w/ out its horn before it dies and the horn loses its powers

Fantasy movie about a unicorns horn?


Where is the unicorn horn gem?

Sadly there are no unicorns.

do unicorns have magic?

Yes! What else is their horn for?

Is a horn of a unicorn special and how?

* According to the movie 'Legend' the horns of the unicorns controlled the arrivals of the seasons. * Tradition has the unicorns horn to be the cure for all poisons.

What is a unicorns habitat?

unicorns are real but it's just a reindeer with a broken horn.

What sea creatures are known as sea unicorns?

It would probably be narwhales, as they have a horn on their "head" much like unicorns do.