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Q: How much does adult circumcision cost in Colorado?
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Stopp circumcicion please :-(

How much does it cost for an adult to get circumcised?

Circumcision with general anesthesia should cost between $2000 and $3000 depending on where you live. This cost includes the doctor performing the procedure and the anesthesiologist. As circumcision is not a medically necessary procedure, it will not be covered by most health insurance plans so you will have to pay for the full cost yourself. Circumcision has no known medical benefit, and routine circumcision is not recommended by any major medical association. Most doctors recommend against circumcision because of the possible adverse events following the surgery, including prolonged bleeding, infection, moderate to severe pain, and long term decrease in penile sensitivity and sexual pleasure.

How much does circumcision cost in England?

It can be done on the NHS free if necessary.

How many stiches are in an adult circumcision?

That depend on how much of a mess they made of it.

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How much circumcision cost in Texas?

It dEpends where you go, and if you have medical insurance.

How much for circumcision?

the cost for cicumcision would be around 370$ to 400$ as a day care case..

How much does it cost to get your utilities turned on in Colorado Springs Colorado?

Depends on your provider/company

How much does it cost for an adult to get circumcised in sc and where can you go?

An adult can see a general or plastic surgeon, who will charge somewhere in the neighborhood of $500 to perform a circumcision. If it's part of a briss, a rabbi can perform the same for about the same price. Barring complications it takes about two to three weeks for healing.