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Too many unknown factors to give a definitive answer. Every surgeon has their own fee. It also depends on what type of augmentation you're talking about. If you mean enlargement - the cost of the implants will depend on the quality and composition.

The best thing to do - if you're serious - would be to contact a few clinics, and get a 'ball-park' figure from them.

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Q: How much does breast augmentation cost in Illinois?
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How much would you pay for a breast augmentation?

The cost of breast augmentation surgery depends upon the part of the country where you will have the surgery. In general, breast augmentation can cost anywhere from $5,000-10,000.

What are the factors that effect the price of breast augmentation?

The cost of breast augmentation is based on how much the doctor wants to charge to perform the surgery. The cost varies based on the different doctors.

On average how much do breast implants cost?

Breast augmentation cost depends on the area your plastic surgeon practices and what percedures you are having done. On average the cost of augmentation ranges from $5k to $10k with some exceptions.

My wife has always wanted to have breast augumentation surgery. I wanted to give it to her as a gift, but I was wondering how much those procedures usually cost?

Breast augmentation generally costs between $3500-$10000 depending on the doctor, hospital and anesthesia. You can search for a doctor in your area at

How much does breast augmentation surgery cost?

When looking to pay for an breast enhancement surgery the cost can vary based on the doctor. The average cost though for this procedure is upwards of a thousand dollars.

how much is breast augmentation on average?

For 2004, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery each cite an average figure near $3,4001 for just the surgeon's fees for breast surgery with breast implants. However a surgeon's cost for breast augmentation may vary based on his or her experience . It is likely that the actual cost of the entire breast augmentation surgical procedure will be more than the estimated $3,400 figure.

Is breast augmentation worth the cost?

You are the only person who can make that decision, it is a highly personal one. Depending on how much you want changed, and the area of the country you live in, the cost can vary.

About how much does a brest augmentation cost in my area?

Although we don't know what area you are referring to, the average price for breast augmentation is around $7000. This may or may not include anesthesia so you need to contact a certified plastic surgeon.

How much recuperation is involved following breast augmentation surgery?

The first week after breast augmentation usually involves a lot of rest, limited exercise and the need to take painkillers. After about four weeks, most of the discomfort should be manageable.

How much a breast enhancement cost in Lebanon?

It Really depends on lots of Factors, Anesthesia, pre-existing health concerns..., every patient is different.Dr Ghazi Hajjar is a plastic surgeon who is very skilled and experienced specially with Breast reduction, Breast Augmentation and Reconstructive cosmetic surgery. You should try his services if you are considering breast enhancement in Lebanon.When you are considering breast enhancement make sure you consider experience of the doctor and the number of surgeries he has done.Looking just at the cost of the procedure can be something you will regret.

Is breast augmentation right for you?

When your breasts are too small; or if you are not happy with the size of your breasts; when there is loss of volume and the breasts begin to sag slightly, as a result of sudden weight loss, pregnancy, breastfeeding or aging; When one is dissatisfied with the outcome of previous surgery in terms of size. Also it is good to for you to know that surgery for breast augmentation can safely be combined with the correction of breast asymmetry.

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