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I payed 150 today. It was in cash. Mind you, im in Canada... And I was getting my Wisdom teeth dug out.

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Q: How much does it cost for general anestheisa to get a tooth extracted?
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I have had some tooth remains after extraction all I did was called the dentist told them about it and when I went back they removed it, It should not cost nothing. the reason some bone is left is the tooth could have broken and they did not see the bone left behind

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"Veneers are considered cosmetic dentistry and the cost varies by the material used. More affordable composite resin will be approx. $900 per tooth with longer lasting porcelain veneer costing up to $2,500 per tooth." Answer Yes it is, In general, porcelain veneers in the United States cost between $1,000 and $2,500 per tooth, although such veneers may last over a decade. Composite veneers may cost between $250 and $1,500 per tooth, and generally last up to seven years.

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What is the cost to extract a human tooth?

The cost of a tooth extraction will differ due to the difference is cost of living in areas. In Dallas, TX a tooth extracion can cost $355.00. If you go to a dental surgeon it will cost you a lot more so go to a regular dentist. They will also write you a prescription for a pain pill and antibiotic.

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The cost of tooth bridges in the Philippines can amount from 15 thousand pesos up to 60 thousand pesos. The amount of the tooth bridge depends on what materials the dentist will use.

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Gold has been extracted from seawater, but the cost is not worth the effort for the very small amount that can be obtained.