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Generally you're looking around 60 dollars. If you are just going to Animal Services.

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Q: How much does it cost to get a cat spayed in Toronto?
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Related questions

Is there a way to neuter a cat while it is in heat?

Yes, a cat can be spayed when it is in heat. It will cost more and it is a riskier operation.

What do you call a cat that can't have babies?

I do not think there is a special term for it. If the cat is spayed, then the cat will often be described as "a spayed cat".

Can a cat be spayed during oestrus?

Yes, but it is much easier for her if you wait until she is past that period. Also, you can have a cat spayed at 4 or 5 months before she goes into heat.

What can you give the cat for not to get pragnet?

You can get your cat spayed

Where can you get your cat neutered?

your local vet will be able to neuter your cat If you are in the US, there are many options available for no- or low-cost spay and neuter programs. After needing to do the research myself, I saved everything in one article. That article is titled "How to Get Your Cat Spayed or Neutered at No- or Low-Cost" and can be found here:

How old does your cat have to be to be spayed?

your cat has to be 1 and up

Why is your cat in heat constantly?

Because she has not been spayed or impregnated. You need to have her spayed.

Can a cat be spayed when she is in heat?


Can a spayed cat go into heat if she is around a unspayed cat?

Normally, no. However, if not all of the ovarian tissue was removed when the cat was spayed, then yes she can. And she would not need to be triggered by an unaltered cat.

What do you call an un spayed female cat?

Spayed female cats are called just that - spayed, or fixed, female cats.

How do you get a somewhat trusting feral cat into a cage to get the cat spayed?


Does a cat's uterus regenerate?

No once the cat has been spayed then it can not have kittens