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The cost of an Associates Degree is going to depend on the state the college is located in, the school itself, and at times the program of study you are taking. That being said, it will still be the best deal in town at a much lesser cost then that of a four year institution. In addition, the community college is a great place to start.

If you are attending the community college that is located within your home county the tuition will be at the in-county rate. If you attend a community college outside of your county, then the tuition is usually doubled. Some community colleges may even have an out-of-state rate.

To give you an example I will use a community college that I know of that is located in New Jersey. The in-county rate is $87.00 per credit. The out-of-county rate is $174.00 per credit. However , the school stopped charging the out-of-state rate years ago. Thus, at the in-county rate (as a full-time student taking 12 credits - four courses), the semester runs approximately $1400.00 plus per semester. Now if you multiply the tuition rate of $87.00 by 12 credits you will find the total doesn't make sense. That's why I said approximately. There are fees other than tuition to include, application fee, registration fee, technology fee, parking, possibly an insurance fee if you do not have health coverage, course fees, activities fee, possible clinical fees if you are in an allied health field etc.

Always apply for Financial Aid regardless of whether you feel you will not qualify. Let them tell you, you do not qualify. Besides, the school will make you apply anyway should you apply for any scholarships or grants. Next, always apply for a scholarship. Don't drive yourself nuts trying to figure out which scholarship you might qualify for. You simple indicate on the application that you are applying for any scholarship you may be eligible

for. The support staff within the Financial Office will then attempt to match your qualifications against all available scholarships. Last resort (if you really cannot afford the cost and you do not qualify for any grants or scholarships), is a guaranteed student loan where you will not have to start repaying until six months after your out of school. Still make this your last resort.

Once again, the cost will depend on the above mentioned variables. You can research all this information particular to any college your have an interest in by going to and using the sites College MatchMaker search engined. You can obtain a list of schools particular to your request. It will give you a list of schools, their background, accreditation, programs of study, tuition and fees etc.

I hope this will help you. Lastly, your biggest obstacle is going to be putting off what you should be doing today, until tomorrow. Procrastination will steal your dreams. So, go for it...NOW!!


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