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It depends what kind of company you have and what service or call choice you have, as well as what country you live in.

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Q: How much does it cost to make one average cell phone?
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How much does a cell phone cost to make at the factory?

probably £30.00 depending on the make

How would you make a cell phone microscope?

You cannot make a cell phone microscope. A cell phone is for talking and to text.

What is the purposes of a phone?

A phone sock is a cost-effective way to keep one's cell phone from any damage. It is easy to make as a few materials besides a child's sock are needed to create a custom cell phone cover.

What is the purpose of a phone sock?

A phone sock is a cost-effective way to keep one's cell phone from any damage. It is easy to make as a few materials besides a child's sock are needed to create a custom cell phone cover.

How do you make an answer tone?

I assume that you are asking about ringtones that the person who calls your cell phone hears. These tone are set-up through your cell phone provider and cost about 2-5 dollars per month and there is a cost per song you use.

Does it cost to make a voice memo on your phone?

No, it does not cost to make a voice memo on your cell phone. Making a voice memo is like putting an event on your calendar. You don't get charged $1.00 for each event you put down on your calendar.

Low Cost Cell Phone Plans?

Lost cost cell phone plans offer you the chance to own a cell phone without having to pay a fortune to do so. Among your options for a plan without a contract are TracFone and Cricket Wireless. Both offer plans that are less than 50 dollars and give you all the features you need on a cell phone. Not having a contract can make your plan cheaper and easier to terminate.

The advantages of the cell Phone?

If you have a cell phone then they can make calls from many more places.

What is the average cost for prepaid cell phone plans?

Anywhere from 10 to 33 cents a minute. Be careful tho because on top of that charge, they sometimes charge 1-4 dollars per day while your cell phone is active. Hidden costs push up prepaid plans and make them more expensive then regular plans.

Get A No Contract Cell Phone For Less?

Many cities have low cost cell phone providers that offer flat fee pricing in advance and skip the free phone and contract. For most people who don't want the latest and greatest in cell phone technology, these providers can offer everything a good cell phone needs at a huge pricing discount. Several considerations will make it clear whether a no contract cell phone provider will work well for you.Do You Need An Expensive Phone?Most flat fee no contract cell phone companies carry a small selection of high end expensive phones and a large selection of low cost cell phone options. If you have a phone that can transfer to their service or don't mind a cheaper phone, a no contract cell phone plan will probably end up saving money even after the phone purchase or transfer. If you want a high end smart phone it may make sense to go with a contract carrier, though flat fee no contract cell phone providers are still a great option for anyone who wants a dependable cell phone bill no matter what they do with their phone.

Cell Phone Boosters Can Make Your Cell Your Primary Phone?

Cell phone boosters aren't just for finding service in low coverage areas or forcing coverage into an office building at a high price. Low cost consumer cell phone boosters can make sure you have high quality coverage anywhere in your home or office. Add a cell phone booster to your home to take the first step toward phasing out a wired phone line entirely. While many homes have spots where cell phone coverage is hard to get, a booster will completely solve the problem. When you start shopping make sure the booster you find uses the same signal you do.

How do you make your cell phone number unavailable?

its easy actually all you hav to do is get a new cell phone so you can get another cell phone number