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Q: How much does it cost to ship a dog to London?
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How much is it to ship a dog to Phoenix from Hawaii?

The cost to ship a dog from Hawaii to Phoenix will depend upon the airline you choose. Typically, you will have to pay for not only the airline ticket, but for a travel crate, a physical exam, vaccines, and a health certificate.

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The cost of sending a dog from Ecuador to New York will depend on the size of the dog and whether the dog flies with you or is shipped unaccompanied. It also varies from one airline to the next. The shipping cost can be as low as $100 for a small dog traveling with you as excess baggage up to about $350 to ship a large dog as air freight.

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Dog bones cost $ 10.00

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It depends on the breed of dog.

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Why in the world would you want to do that? How about training the dog?

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It would cost around $200 to $600 for a fake leg for a dog.

What are the requirements to move to england?

I'm a teenager who lives in Canada, Ontario moving in with my boyfriend in England this summer.. I'm curious to what i need to have to move there besides a passport?!?! and i also plan on bringing my dog.. does anyone know how much the dog will cost to ship ?

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