

How much does kimberlite cost?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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2 dollars per pound

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3y ago
What if it's holding a mineral like diamond?
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Lvl 1
3y ago
if it contains peices of diamond then it depends on the carat of the diamond

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Q: How much does kimberlite cost?
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How much kimberlite ore does it take to make 1 carat diamond?

Kimberlite is an indicator mineral for diamond, not the genesis of diamond, which is carbon. Individual diamond mines have varying ratios of kimberlite to diamond.

Does kimberlite react to acid?

Yes, kimberlite does react to acid. The carbonate minerals in kimberlite can fizz or effervesce when they come into contact with acid, indicating a chemical reaction. This reaction is due to the dissolution of the carbonate minerals in the kimberlite by the acid.

Where is kimberlite found?

Kimberlite is a rare, blue-tinged, coarse-grained intrusive igneous rock that often contains diamonds. Some kimberlite deposits have been found in Western Kenya.

Are most most diamonds formed inside kimberlite?

All diamonds are formed from carbon. Kimberlite and diamonds are both erupted to the earth's surface via volcanic pipes. Kimberlite is an indicator mineral, increasing odds for geologists that a volcanic pipe includes diamonds: not all pipes erupt diamonds with kimberlite. Kimberlite can be considered a 'neighbor' or 'kin' of diamond, but not a source.

How do trucks get to the bottom of a kimberlite pipe?

Kimberlite pipes are typically quarried using open pit mines.

Do all volcanoes have kimberlite?

No, not all volcanoes have kimberlite. Kimberlite is a type of volcanic rock that often contains diamonds, but it is only found in specific geological settings. Other types of volcanoes can be composed of different types of magma and erupt different types of rocks.

Are kimberlite rocks used for human purpose?

Kimberlite is the main ore of diamonds, but otherwise has little use to humans.

How many kimberlite pipes are in botswana?

This is impossible to answer with a finite number, because there may be undiscovered Kimberlite pipes in Botswana.

African diamonds are contained in what?

All diamonds are erupted to the earth surface together with indicator minerals, including kimberlite. Other minerals are present in fertile kimberlite -- containing diamonds -- and absent in sterile kimberlite.

Why are diamonds found in kimberlite rock?

Apparently kimberlite pipes -- that can contain diamonds -- are volcanic formations that begin deep within the earth's mantle. Because diamonds and kimberlite -- and other semi-precious gems -- are formed in similar locations, some kimberlite rock contains diamonds. You can read more, below.

Are most diamonds mined directly from Kimberlite?

Kimberlite is an indicator mineral, formed deep within the earth's mantle where diamonds are also formed. Often, they are found together, but not always. Kimberlite is not diamond: they are different minerals.

What rock starts with the letter k?

· Kimberlite - a volcanic rock · Kenyte - a volcanic rock found on Mount Kenya