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University of Akron

Akron, Ohio

Annual College Costs (Fall 2009)

Room and board: $8,697

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Q: How much does on campus living cost a year for the University of Akron?
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The cost of living in University of Phoenix?

University of Phoenix Phoenix, Arizona The university is in an urban setting, and a commuter campus. Therefore, the institution does not provided on campus housing. Students who wish to attend, would have to find off campus housing.

Can Pell Grants be spent on housing?

If you are living in a campus dormitory and the total tuition cost includes on campus living then yes. Your university will receive the grant directly from the government and apply it to your account.

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The amount of in-state tuition and fees is $7,780. The cost of room and board is $9,570.

What is the cost room and board per year for University of Phoenix?

The University of Phoenix is referred to as a commuters campus. Thus, housing is not available on campus. Students coming from a distance would have to find housing off campus.

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It cost $35,482 for one semester for on-campus... You welcome...

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Room and board is about $6,898.

What is The best accommodation option for international students?

I believe that living in university dorms is the best accomodation option for international students. Living on campus allows for a more social atmosphere in which students from abroad are more likely to meet other students with whom they could socialize. It is also usually more cost efficient than living off-campus.

How much does on campus housing cost at Nottingham Trent University?

The price of on campus housing at Nottingham Trent University varies greatly. Prices vary for different reasons, such a being a resident or an international student. Depending in which campus is desired, prices can differ greatly, some double the cost of others, from 3600 to 7214.

How much does room and board cost at West Virginia University?

2010-2011 cost of attendanceIn StateAt Home: 11,534On Campus 16,642Off Campus:16, 092Out of StateAt Home: 23,130On Campus:28,238Off Campus: 27,688These can vary by subject studied and by other accomadations.

How much does it cost to attend the Universtiy of Texas at El Paso?

A full time student living off campus pays around 12,000 a year to attend The University of El Paso, including books and parking.

How much is tuition for ASU?

ASU's tuition including room and everything else adds up to $9,720. Not bad. This price is for in-state, which means you are either living on campus, living at home, or commuting not living at home. Out-of-state is $22,319, which means you are either living on campus, living at home, or commuting not living at home. - room/board for living on campus is $11,436 - room/board for living at home is $1,530 - room/board for commuting not living at home is $8,616 - books/supplies for living on campus, living at home, or commuting not living at home is $1,290 - estimated personal expenses for living on campus, living at home, or commuting not living at home is going to be $2,052. - transportation expenses for living on campus is $1,050 - transportation expenses for ling at home is $2,214 - transportation expenses for commuting not living at home is $2,250 - cost per credit (in-state) is $658 - cost per credit (out-of-state) is $909. And there are your costs for a year whether you are in-state living on campus, or living at home, or commuting not living at home, or you are out-of-state living on campus, living at home, or commuting not living at home, you will still have a good time at ASU.

What is the tuition at the University of Texas?

The University of Texas has many campuses. To find the cost of tuition for each campus, click on the related links section (College Board) indicated directly below this answer box. It will take you to the College Board site where you can view each campus. Just click on the campus to wish to view and it will take you there. Then click on the cost link and you can research the actual tuition and fees, book cost, personal expenses etc.