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Q: How much does siberian tigers fur cost?
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What do humans hunt Siberian tigers for?

For their beautiful fur.

Do Siberian tigers fur coats change colors?

Yes they do

How are the Siberian tigers endangered?

Siberian or Amur tigers are endangered due to habitat loss and poaching. People hunt the tigers for their fur and other body parts.

What is the condition of endangerment of the Siberian Tiger?

I know all about tigers so i will be the one to answer this! Siberian tigers are being hunted down for fur so yeah sup dudes and dudettes

Why do people kill siberian tigers?

because us humans are mammals and were like meat and Siberian tigers like eating meat so that's why they are deadly.....

Are Siberian tigers still endangered?

sadly yes there are less than 5,000 Siberian tigers left in the world because of poachers killing them for their fur and around about 500-700 are in captivity

Why do the Siberian tigers prefer cold snowy landscapes?

Because they are the only tigers who have thicker fur than any other tigers and because they can survive in that weather

Why does Siberian tiger get hunted?

Tigers are hunted for their fur, nails, tooth and almost every other part of their body.

How different are the Bengal and snow tigers?

If by snow tiger you mean the Siberian tiger, the main differences are: Siberians average slightly heavier, and are somewhat longer than Bengals. Siberian tigers also have longer fur, and are somewhat paler in color.

What do Siberian tigers look like?

Siberian tigers weigh about 500 lbs, they are black and white striped and about 9ft in body length.

What is the body covering of tiger?

Tigers' bodies are covered in fur. The thickness of the fur varies with habitat, north to south. The Siberian tigers have the thickest coat because of their cold climate.

How do Siberian tigers hunt?

Siberian tigers are powerful hunters that travel many miles to find prey, such as elk and wild boar. They use their fur coats as camouflage (no two tigers have same pattern) and hunt by stealth. They lie in wait and creep close enough to attack their victims with a quick spring and a fatal pounce. A hungry Siberian tiger can eat as much as 60 pounds (27 kilograms) in one night, although they usually eat less.