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Q: How much does the average American household spend on lighting each year?
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How much does the average American spend on health insurance?

According to the U.S. Dept of Labor, an average household of 2.5 people spend $2664.00 a year.

What is the average cost of the household appliances?

On average an household will spend about 50% on heating and cooling bills, 25% on lighting appliances and the reminder is split between various appliances like washing machine, dryer, TV etc. The average cost for a family of four is around $270 a month.

How much does the average American household spend on pizza per month?

my family probably spends $5-$0

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The average American household spends around $32 per year on salt.

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the average household spends around £100 a week on energy, a cost which could easily be reduced.

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The average American spends about $30 to $40 per month on garbage collection services. This cost can vary depending on location, the size of the household, and the level of service provided.

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Business Dynamics!!

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It is estimated that the average American will spend six months of their lives waiting at red lights.

How much does the average American spend on gas?

about $3,000