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Q: How much does the oceanic crust weigh?
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Related questions

What is the difference between continential and oceanic crust?

oceanic crust is much more dense than continental crust. Oceanic crust is also responsible for the movement of continental crust.

Is ocean crust or landform crust yonger?

When comparing an oceanic crust and a landform crust, the oceanic crust will be much younger. Typically, an oceanic crust is less than 200 million years old.

Is earth's continental crust thicker or thinner than the oceanic crust?

On average, it is much thicker than oceanic crust.

Oceanic crust is lighter than the continental crust?

No, the oceanic crust is denser. That's why the land areas "float" so much higher than the ocean bedrock.

What happens when a plate of oceanic crust collides with a plate of the continental crust and why does this happen?

The oceanic crust will slide under the continental crust. And the reason is because the oceanic crust is much denser and the continental crust is least dense.

Differences of the continental crust and oceanic crust?

Thickness - continental = much thickerDensity - oceanic crust is denser than continental, which is why the oceanic crust subducts under the continental at destructive plates boundaries.

How does the age of oceanic crust compare to the age of continental crust?

Oceanic crust is generally much younger. New ocean crust is constantly being formed.

Compare and contrast oceanic crust and continental crust?

Continental crust is much thicker than oceanic crust. However, continental crust is denser and will therefore sink in subduction zones.

Why does the continental crust go father down into the mantle than the oceanic crust?

Continental crust, on average, is much thicker than oceanic crust. Because of the principles of isostacy and buoyancy, the continental crust will protrude more deeply into the asthenosphere than oceanic crust.

What is the name of ocean crust?

oceanic crust.

Is it better to drill through Oceanic Or Continental Crust?

the oceanic crust because it is much denser so there is less chance of the hole collapsing

What is oceanic-oceanic subduction?

Oceanic crust sinking under a plate with continental crust