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Much study has been done and much written about this very subject. Bishop Peale popularized what the wise already knew. You are--what you think. Think depressing thoughts and you will be depressed. Think hopelessness and you are hopeless. The effects of Bishop Peale's book, "The Power of Positive Thinking" has been proven over and over through qualified persons researching the matter. Every situation can have two sides. The person who looks for the bad rather than the good will certainly find bad. The criticiser, the judger, the faultfinder has a "down" attitude and it affects all that person does. One may look at something and think, "It cannot be done." For that one, it cannot. A person with a positive attitude thinks, "the very difficult will take a while, but the impossible takes a little longer. If one thinks upbeat pleasant thoughts that person is easy to pick out of the crowd. Positve thinking promotes rather than degrades, even one's health. A young lady in a nearby city was born without arms. I first read of her in her twenties. This lady had adapted to a very difficult situation, learn to use her feet in the best possible manner. She is an artist and paints with her feet, holding the brush with her toes. Had she been a doubter, a pessimist she could have laid back and "thought", "whats the use", and let others take care of her. A young man in Chicago had very bad cancer. Having an exemplary attitude, he began to eat right and being a runner, he began every day to run, even in pain. His cancer disappeared. Pessimism never solved anything, it has always been the positive thinker, and humore certainly does not hurt. Who likes a sour puss.

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