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Q: How much dollars will the endangered species act take?
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What is a solution for endangered species?

give them to the goverment to take care them

Which species of wildlife are critically endangered?

A critically endangered species is a species that is in immediate risk of extinction. Currently there are 1821 plants and 2129 animals in this endangered category. The list of wildlife that is critically endangered is so extensive that it would take hours to list every species. The IUCN website lists all endangered species and is a great tool for understanding the threat of extinction and the impact it will have on our world.

How would you save endangered species?

You can put them into a zoo or clone them. Sometimes people adapt young species to local wildlife adoption center. Many areas in the U.S. has some strict rules to pay deposit if you kill endangered species. Or Endangered Species Act would take care of them.

Is pig an endangered species?

I am not sure what country you are in but here in Australia they are far from endangered. I fact they are a pest species and a favourite for hunters. In Queensland (the state I live in) if you have them on your property and you do not take action to remove them you can be fined.

How to take care of the endangered species?

Obtain a list from your state wildlife office giving the name of the species that are endangered. Then find out where their habitats are and request permission to post signs notifying hunters and visitors to avoid the endangered ones. You might add that it is against the law to harm any of the endangered ones.

What efforts were being made to take the jaguars off the endangered species list?

Jaguars are fully protected by law. They are listed as near threatened, not endangered.

1 What does it mean to take an endangered species?

an animal that will soon be extinct, very low in numbers

Which plants are endangered?

There are currently 2655 endangered plant species on earth, this does not however, take into account species that have not yet been classified and may be under threat without us even knowing of their existence! They are classified according to how endangered they are from "vulnerable" to "critically endangered" (or even "extinct in the wild". At the apex of the endangered list are species which appear on the IUNC Red List (sometimes called the Red Data list). As with plants and animals there are also several regulatory protocols and programs in places such as CITES which regulates the trade and transportation of endangered or protected species. See the related links below for lists of endangered species as well as the RED List

Why are there Endangered Species?

because people either destroy their habitat,hunt,or take or cut down their food.

What would not be illegal under the Endangered Species Act?

Call the proper authorities to have all traffic and work put to a stop so it can be properly identified as endangered

What responsibilities do we as humans have to other species?

Humans have a large responsibility to other creatures, we have the technology, intelligence, and research available to us that can save endangered species. Moreover, human beings have played a large role in the demise and endangerment of many of the endangered and extinct species. It is important to take care of and conserve ours and their habitats. There is actually an Endangered Species Act (1973), Wilderness Act, Endangered Species Conservation Act (1969), and Endangered Species Preservation Act (1966) each had been amended to meet criteria so it would not jeopardize the plant and animal life. That is why today we have the Wildlife Reserves and National Parks to minimize conflict with recreational fisheries and other species.

Do zoos preserve endangered species?

Zoos are keeping endangered animals in the zoo, to try and help the species by breeding them. If they can get them to reproduce and have healthy offspring that will be able to breed in the future, they are contributing to the species population in general, and the diversity of the gene pool for the species. The hope is that in the long run the species will not be endangered anymore. Also if the species is still endangered, or needs serious conservation work, we might have had time to learn new techniques, and technology to make other advances that can make a major difference in helping maintain the health of the species populations.