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In general, Tummy Tuck recovery is around 2 weeks. You can hopefully be walking around 4-5 times a day in the first week after the procedure. The second week will be better and you are allowed (in most cases) to start doing light exercises after the second week. Depends a lot of times on how much work was done, age, pain tolerance and other factors like health in general.

It is one of the most popular procedures out there and has a 95% satisfaction rating, so it looks like however long you're down, it's worth it!

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Q: How much down time is there after tummy tuck surgery?
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honestly you shouldn't do anything because your beautiful!! :)

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The main difference is that a tummy tuck is a major cosmetic surgery with recovery time whereas a liposuction is less invasive and involves only a very small incision. Liposuction is to remove small pockets of fat whereas a tummy tuck removes large band of fat around the waist.

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You want to lift and make your butt bigger and at the same time make your fatty tummy flat How you can do that without surgery?

Try bicycling. You might also try squatting light weights to increase the size of your glutes. Crunches and Roman-chair sittups will reduce tummy buldge also.

What is the average cost of a tummy tuck and what is the recovery time.?

A tummy tuck can range from $8000 to $16,500.

Is it wrong to have a tummy tuck then tell people your in good shape and Jessica Ennis inspired you to have tummy tuck when Ennis has never had a tummy tuck because her six pack abs are real not fake?

Yeah because you didn't really take the time to get in shape and its pretty much lying to them.

How to I firm my post weight loss tummy?

First, tightening your abdominal muscles will help with the appearance of your tummy area. You can do this by strengthening your core muscles; "crunches" and "the bridge" are typical examples. Other than surgery, there is nothing that will actually "tighten" your skin, but give your skin some time to regain its shape from its natural elasticity.

Has Rachael Ray had surgery?

Yes, she had surgery having to do with her raspy voice all of the time. she sounds much better now!!

How do you get rid of scar tissue after tummy tuck?

There's not that much that can be done about the scar after a tummy tuck. Usually, before a cosmetic surgery procedure, the surgeon will discuss where the scar will be located. There should also be talk about whether the abdominoplasty scar will be vertical or horizontal. The surgeon may also talk about an endoscopic tummy tuck which leaves smaller scars. Much of the choice depends on how much fat and excess skin is being removed. The choice also depends on whether this is a full or mini tummy tuck surgery. That said, after the surgery, if you are not happy with the scar, there are some options. One is to wait - many scars will get better over time. You could also talk about this with your cosmetic surgeon. Perhaps a laser resurfacing procedure could improve the appearance of the skin surface.

How much tummy time does your 3 month old need?

Not sure, but I'd go with 15-20 minutes, increasing by month.