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Q: How much eduction does a Wildlife Bioligist need?
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They started education for people to have knowledge and for them to learn.

How do you protect wildlife?

We need to protect wildlife because of all the rare animals.

What do we need to conserve in wildlife?


Would wildlife die?

if you kept them in your house as a pet, then they would die... they need to be in wildlife to live!

How many hours in a 24 hour period does a marine bioligist work?

The day to day activities of a marine biologist will depend on where they work. The may scuba dive daily which will allow them to study reefs and the sea life.

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peppa pig is a cute little pig thats on the show peppa pig

Why do caves need protecting?

because of the wildlife

How much noledge do you need to become a wild vet?

If you mean a wildlife vet, you need the same amount of schooling that any veterinarian needs, which is to go through vet school.

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Many years at law school, preferably Harvard, they have one of the best law schools around. Very prestigious.