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Egg production will drop based on the hours of light the chicken receives. For optimum performance, a hen needs at least 14 hours of light per day either natural or artificial. In the winter, keep a light on in the chicken coop to make up the difference between natural summer light and natural winter light.

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Q: How much eggs does the laying hen lay in the winter compare to the summer?
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It can be the wrong season for the duck to lay eggs. Fall and Spring are the best time for laying. Sometimes they will totally stop laying during winter and summer.

How many eggs can a Queen bee lay in 1 year?

It depends which month. A queen does not lay at all during the winter. She will build up during the spring, and in the summer she can be laying up to 2,000 eggs a day. She will slow down again as winter approaches.

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At the height of her egg-laying, in late spring, she can lay 1,500 to 2,000 eggs a day. That's actually more than her own body weight. In winter, her egg-laying drops almost to zero.

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Spring and summer are the months that most insects lay their eggs. Most insects do not thrive during winter months so all of their mating and egg laying happens in the warmer months.

When do chickens restart laying eggs at winter?

They will lay in winter if you have a light if not when it is above 60 degrees out most days.

How many eggs do queen bees lay?

It is not possible to give a definitive answer because it would vary on a number of factors. During the winter a queen will not lay eggs at all. In spring, as the warmer weather comes she will start laying, slowly at first but building up to about 2,000 eggs a day in the middle of summer. As the year progresses, she will slow down her laying, finally stopping as the cold weather comes.

How many eggs can one queen bee lay?

The rate at which the queen lays varies through the year. In winter the queen lays very few eggs, and may even stop laying altogether for a period. In spring her laying rate will rise, and in late spring she could be laying 2,000 eggs a day as the colony builds up to full strength. The rate will then slow down again through summer, and from the second half of summer colony numbers will reduce in preparation for winter.

What time do ducks lay eggs?

around July. In the Summer. our ducks lay all year round. A couple 'went off lay' during the winter months last year, but the majority kept laying. we have muscoveys and khaki campbells.

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They lay eggs in the late winter, early summer.

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Emus lay eggs every summer or winter

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