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Recycling does not create energy. It reduces the expenditure of energy.

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Does recycled paper use more energy than non recycled paper?

No, recycled paper needs much LESS energy. It's much easier to make paper from recycled papers than from cutting down trees, chipping them, mashing them into fiber, pulping them and so on.

Is an aluminum can an energy resource?

No, but an aluminum can can be recycled using much less energy than it takes to separate an equivalent amount of aluminum from its ore.

How much energy does a geothermal power station create?

It doesn't create any energy because energy can't be created or destroyed!

How much energy dees it take to make a 1 liter. glass bottle?


How much waste is not recycled?

Australia: 56% of Australian waste either cannot be recycled, or is not recycled.

Why does recycling reduce energy?

It is much easier to produce, say, aluminum cans from recycled cans. Making the cans from raw bauxite (aluminum ore) takes 21 times the energy. Glass and plastic are much the same.

How much energy is saved when Copper is recycled instead of mined?

Recycling copper saves fifteen percent of the energy used in producing the same amount from copper ore. Recycled copper has exactly the same qualities as copper from ore, so it can be recycled over and over without any loss. Copper is non renewable, so it is important to conserve it. Energy saved means fewer greenhouse gas emissions from the fossil fuel saved.

How does recycling bottles helps the earth?

You don't have to use as much plastic or glass or whatever type of bottle it is and you can save those resources for other uses; like plastic can be recycled into a bin.

What is main disadvantage of fusion?

It requires almost as much energy to create nuclear fusion as the energy it creates. :)

How much does recycled paper cost?

Recycled paper is 5 to 10 dollars.

How much laptops are recycled?

laptops are recycled every year when they're stuffed up.

How much energy is applied to create ulradense deuterium?

About a gigajoule per kilogram.