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Q: How much energy do you save by walking to school?
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it does not save energy at all

Can you please Tell some way to save fuel?

you could start walking to school to save car fuel !

Ways to save energy at school?

One way to save energy at school is to turn off the computers when there are long breaks such as holidays. Another idea is to remove or unplug all unused equipment.

What kind of energy will be saved by walking instead of driving motor vehicles?

You could save many kinds of energy because you wouldn't have to use energy to dig up the gasoline, ship it, contain it, or pump it, so by not driving you save multiple kinds of energy

How many schools save energy?

turn of school light when your not using it

How much energy would you save if you used fruits and vegetables for electricity?

You would save no energy. You would, however, get your energy from a different source.

How can you save geothermal energy?

You don't need to save it because it is a renewable energy and can never run out no matter how much we use it.

How much energy do home wifi router claim to save?

Home wifi devices don't claim to save energy.

Why sould you save energy?

Saving energy is really important because if we don't save energy and it all gets wasted it can not be renewed . Some types of energy can be renewed.Try turning off the light when your not using it try taking a walk to school if you can there are alot of explanations on why you should save energy.

How much energy can one person save in a day?

As much as they use

How much energy does recycling aluminium save?

A lot.

How much water will the average American save if they used solar water heaters?

The idea is not so much to save water, but to save energy - electricity, or fuel, for example.The idea is not so much to save water, but to save energy - electricity, or fuel, for example.The idea is not so much to save water, but to save energy - electricity, or fuel, for example.The idea is not so much to save water, but to save energy - electricity, or fuel, for example.