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Q: How much energy do you waste leaving one light bulb on?
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What do you call the waste energy from a light bulb?

A lot

What waste energy come from a light bulb?

Mainly heat.

What energy is produced from the light bulb?

Light, of course, since that's what the light bulb is designed to produce. There is also waste energy, as heat, and (to a small extent) as sound.

What kind of energy is used when turn on a light bulb is called?

Electricity is the type of energy that is used when you turn on a light bulb. When you leave a room, you use more energy by leaving the light on than if you turn it off and back on when you return.

What forms of energy leave a light bulb when it's off?

Depends on your definition of waste. The obvious one is heat unless you are using bulb for an Easy Bake oven in which case the light might be considered waste and heat the primary usage. One could also say that in certain bulbs perhaps there are some light frequencies that may be annoying or not useful.

What type of energy is turning on a light?

The light bulb uses electrical energy, and produces light, as well as waste heat. The act of turning it on in itself uses a small amount of energy stored in your muscles.

What transformations occur in a light bulb?

In a light bulb, electrical energy is transformed into light energy and heat energy.

What is the source of energy in a light bulb?

Electricity is the source of energy in a light bulb.

What is most of the energy produced by a light bulb?

Most of the energy in a light bulb is heat energy.

When energy runs through a light bulb what kind of energy does the light bulb produce?

A light bulb uses electrical energy, and produces light, as well as heat.

What energy occurs in the light bulb?

light and heat energy occur in a light bulb when it is turned on.

Does a light bulb use more energy when in the dark?

For most light bulbs, they consume equal amounts of energy regardless of bright or dark environments. This is because a light bulb is simply lit up by a power source, and is unable to control brightness, producing the same amount of light. That is why most people say we should not waste energy by switching on a light bulb in the day.