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Q: How much energy does Rance Estuary generate in a day?
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How much electricity is generated by La Rance?

enouph to serve 300,000 people

How much energy is generate from freezing 2.5 g water?

2.5 g 1 mol/18.02 g (-285.83) kJ/mol

Why Mars today lacks a global magnetic field like that of Earth?

Mars is much smaller, and therefore contains much less thermal energy. The lesser thermal energy caused Mars to cool faster than the Earth. Without heat in the core, Mars will not generate a magnetic field (the rapidly spinning core is a dynamo of magnetic energy).

What type of star generates a lot of energy?

All stars generate energy on a scale that is nigh-unimaginable in Earthly terms. For example, the total energy used by people in a year is about 5x1020 J. The Sun outputs about that much energy in a millionth of a second. Even the coolest brown dwarfs emit about that much energy every second. So realize that we're talking on a completely other scale here.That said, the most energetic stars are the hypergiants.

How mitochondria and chloroplasts are opposites in function?

There is no definite difference in function, however the necessary catalysts are quite different. Chloroplasts require sunlight to start, whereas mitochondrion do not require light. REVISION: I disagree with the previous answer - the function of a mitochondria and a chloroplast are fundamentally different, indeed nearly opposite in many respects. Chloroplasts are the site of photosynthesis whereby light energy and carbon dioxide are utilized to form sugars. Mitochondria are the site of much of cellular respiration (parts of cellular respiration also occur in the cytoplasm) where oxygen and sugars are broken down to generate energy and carbon dioxide. Plants utilize their chloroplasts to generate sugars wherein the energy of the sun can be stored and later used by their mitochondria and cellular respiration to generate energy.