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3 bananas and a Popsicle per mole of diesel

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Q: How much energy does diesel produce?
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What type of energy does diesel fuel produce?

combustion energy

How much energy can a diesel generator produce?

The amount of energy a diesel generator set can produce depends on its size and capacity. Typically, diesel generator sets range from small, portable units generating a few kilowatts (kW) to large industrial generator sets producing several megawatts (MW) of electrical power. A small diesel generator set may produce between 5-20 kW, while larger industrial models can generate anywhere from 500 kW to several MW.

How many joules of chemical energy are there in diesel?

there are 332kj in diesel!!!!!! +++ In how much diesel? That question and answer are meaningless because they do not specify the quantity.

How is biomass converted into usable energy?

Oils from seed-bearing plants are processed to produce a diesel fuel.

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How much horsepower does a 1980 cummins 555 diesel produce?

270 hp

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The energy does a airplane engine produce is 10 kg of ht?

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How much energy can a human produce?

A human can typically produce up to about 100-200 watts of power during sustained exercise like cycling. However, bursts of power, such as in sprinting or weightlifting, can generate significantly higher levels of energy output.

What type fuel should I use in my Utility Tractor?

Diesel tractors are superior to gas tractors because diesel engines have fewer maintenance issues and produce more useful energy.

Why petrol engine is not used for large vehicles?

gasoline/petrol engines are considered to be much less reliable than a diesel engine. large rigs we see on the road today often have over a million miles on them. diesel is efficient and clean, and produces more potential energy. diesel engines also produce much more torque making it easier to tow or move things.

How much energy does solar produce?

solar produce us infinity engergy.