

Best Answer

Its about 1/8 TSP per 5 Gallons of water. Some people suggest more, while I suggest more research is needed. You should dissolve it first in some aquarium water and then pour it in the tank. It will treat/help relief some bacterial infections like Dropsy and Popeye, as well as constipation and bloating.

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Q: How much epsom salt should you use to cure pop eye in goldfish?
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How much should goldfish eat?

A goldfish should eat as much flakes or pellets as it can in 2 to 3 minutes twice a day.

How many degrees should a carnival goldfish stay in?

Just room temp should be fine goldfish are tough so it doesnt matter to much

How much should I feed my goldfish?

One shake of fish flakes or two at least?

Why do goldfish eat other goldfish dorsal fins?

The commonest cause of fin nipping in Goldfish is insufficient food and/or poor diet. Fish should be fed a good quality goldfish food morning and evening as much as they can eat in 15 minutes.

How much lead is there in Epsom salts?

Pure Epsom salts do not contain any lead. Since Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate, they contain only magnesium, sulfur, and oxygen.

How much should a goldfish eat?

at least 2 finger pinches full but not 2 much or else it will die! :P

How much do epsom salts cost?

About $5.99. ;0)

Does Epsom salt change fire color?

it should change the color of the fire to white if you have the right dosage so yes but if you put too much in it will put the fire out, i suggest putting the epsom salt in first then lighting it for a better chance.

How much epsom salt is in the saturated solution?

50 grams

How much does goldfish cost at petsmart?

It depends on the type. Normal goldfish cost $2.49 to $3.50; on the other end of the spectrum, fancy goldfish cost $27.99.

How many pellets should you feed your fantail goldfish and how often?

You should feed your fish as much as it can eat in 2-3 minutes twice a day.

Your goldfish can swim in salt water and still live did it evolve?

No your goldfish did not "evolve" it "SURVIVED" being put in salt water. You don't say how much salt is/was in the water but placing a goldfish in water to which 1 teaspoon of salt has been added per gallon is a commonly used cure for fungus. Goldfish did not evolve they were selectively bred by Chinese aquarists from a species of wild Asian carp (Carassius gibelio) that had evolved over many millions of years.