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Q: How much faster is energy produced from aerobic respiration?
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How does the arrangement of the cristae in the inner membrane of the mitochondria affect the rate of aerobic respiration?

The rate of aerobic respiration in the mitochondria is dependent on the surface area of the cristae because energy potential is built up through the pumping of hydrogen ions across the membrane. With more membrane surface area, there is more energy production and storage capacity so the rate of aerobic respiration may increase.

How might an organism benefit by carrying Out fermentation instead of cellular respiration?

Organisms prefer cellular respiration over fermentation.Cellular respiration gains a cell 38ATP molecules per every glucose molecule.Fermentation only gains 2ATP per glucose molecule.Obviously, you can see the difference. Cellular respiration provides much more energy for the cell, and this is why they prefer this over fermentation.There are organisms like facultative anaerobes that can preform either process, but they do cellular respiration if oxygen is available. These organisms only preform fermentation if they are in an "oxygen debt." (Like when you run, you are using a lot of energy, and you cannot get enough oxygen for cellular respiration. You are in "oxygen debt," and your muscle cells start doing fermentation. But your muscle cells prefer using aerobic reparation (cellular respiration) so you start panting. Once you get your breath back, oxygen is restored and your cells again preform cellular respiration and get more energy faster.)However, there are still obligate anaerobes that are poisoned by oxygen, and only use fermentation.Hope this helped!!

How will this reaction be affected if carbonic anhydrase acts as a catalyst?

h2co3 will be produced faster

Where does aerobic and anerobic respiration take place?

Aerobic refers to action where oxygen is able to be introduced. Anaerobic refers to a lack of oxygen. Aerobic exercise is a physical activity that allows the participant to breathe and replenish their supply of oxygen such as long distance running. Anaerobic exercise uses oxygen faster than the body is able to replenish it. The cells use any stored oxygen but have to operate without their supply being replenished for a short time. Sprinting would be an anaerobic activity.

Why is it important to breathe?

Respiration is vital to the living organisms, due to that the process of respiration means burning oxygen to get glucose, and that what happens in the cells. Without respiration, we have no energy, and we do die

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Give two reasons why it is better for human muscle cells to produce energy through aerobic respiration than through anaerobic respiration?

Aerobic means "with oxygen" and anaerobic means "without oxygen." Cells produce energy at a might higher and faster rate with oxygen than without.

What is the relationship between the strength of your heart and aerobic respiration?

As heart beats faster, it uses more and more energy to and sends more oxygen to body, When heart beats faster to pump more oxygen to the muscles, brain signals lungs to inhale and exhale with the greater frequency, thus obtaining more and more oxygen, this process of the oxygen based energy production is called aerobic respiration.

How does the arrangement of the cristae in the inner membrane of the mitochondria affect the rate of aerobic respiration?

The rate of aerobic respiration in the mitochondria is dependent on the surface area of the cristae because energy potential is built up through the pumping of hydrogen ions across the membrane. With more membrane surface area, there is more energy production and storage capacity so the rate of aerobic respiration may increase.

Why does a person breath faster during exercise than during sleep?

To do work, energy is required. This is got mainly through aerobic respiration in the form of ATP. During respiration, therefore, respiratory rate has to be increased. This is done bey larger supply of oxygen.

What is anaerobic respiration respiration?

In plant and animal cells, it is a process in which energy is released from food molecules such as glucose without requiring oxygen. Some aerobic plants and animals are able to use anaerobic respiration for short periods of time. For example, during a sprint, human muscles can respire anaerobically.Unfortunately, lactic acid is produced and accumulates until the muscles cannot continue working. Anaerobic respiration in humans is less efficient than aerobic respiration at releasing energy, but releases energy faster. This explains why humans can run faster in a sprint than over longer distances. When humans stop after a sprint, they have to continue breathing more heavily for a while. This is to take in extra oxygen in order to break down the accumulated lactic acid on top of the normal breakdown of sugar in aerobic respiration. The body is paying back the oxygen debt built up during the sprint. . Anaerobic respiration is the process by which non-oxygen dependent organisms breath. It is mostly commonly used in the process of fermentation. Anaerobic respiration is respiration that uses electron acceptors other than oxygen. Anaerobic respiration can be found in protozoans and bacteria.Anaerobic respiration is a type of cellular respiration. It occurs when oxygen is not available or is available in very low quantities.It is also a respiration in the absence of oxygen. Oxygen is not used as the final electron acceptor.

Why does the heart muscle need more oxygen during exercise?

The heart uses more oxygen during exercise because it is beating harder and faster. This increased rate/contractility require more energy. The greatest amount of energy is generated under aerobic respiration. Aerobic respiration uses oxygen as a final electron receptor in the electron transport chain which it uses to generate ATP (which the cells use for energy). Bottom line - more oxygen is used because more energy is needed.

How does the speed of the wind affect the amount of energy produced?

The faster the wind, the faster the wind turbine will turn

Is biking aerobic or anaerobic?

cyling is aerobic couse when you ride up and down hills you use up energy

Sustained muscle activity may consume ATP faster than aerobic respiration can produce it in such circumstances ATP can be made by combining ADP with phosphate groups borrowed from?


Does horse riding involve aerobic or anaerobic respiration?

its actually an anaerobic sport mainly working your leg muscles and core

In the United States the percentage of total energy produced from petroleum is about?

Energy consumption has increased at a faster rate than domestic energy production.

Is coal a non-renewable source of energy?

Yes, coal is a non-renewable energy source. We use it faster than it is produced