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It's okay to eat a bit of fats and oils, but dont go over 130 calories per serving. Most suggest that you have up to 68 grams a day.

However, if you are on a diet, then you shoulld start from using the Food Groups.

Start from the beginning, the first foodgroup is fats and oils. Eat two snacks a day, but make sure they are pretty low in calories.

Then you have more fruit and veggie snacks and eat things in the foodgroup other than fats and oils so you'll loose more weight, have more muscle, stronger bones, and a healtheir interests in food, which will keep you more healthy and happy.

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Q: How much fat do you need to include in your diet?
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Do you need fat in your diet?

Without fat, you will be too cold so yes, you have to include some sort of fat in your diet. Yes, you do need fat in your diet. Fat is the energy in your body that you need to have if you are playing some sport

What is the definition of fat diet?

your fat and you need to go on a diet that's the definition.

Why is too much fat in your diet a problem?

Fat in your diet isn't necessarily a problem, but fat is high in calories and fatty foods are often nutritionally very poor. While excess fat is a problem, we need fat in our diet for basic bodily function, so don't try to cut out fat all together.

Do you have to be on a diet when your in gymnastics?

You don't need to be on a diet but don't get fat.

Why do you need to include low fat filling in a sandwich?

why do we need to include low fat filling in a sandwich

Why do you need to reduce the fat in a child's diet?

you dont let them be fat and obese

What is involved in the cellulite diet?

In a cellulite diet you need to have a balanced diet. Each meal should contain protein, carbohydrates, fat and veg. Make sure you include exercise in your diet because if you just diet and don't exercise you could make yourself ill.

What happens if you have too much in your diet?

you get FAT

Are all fat free foods healthy?

Completely fat free diet is not good for you. Dietary fats is very essential for you as it is needed for fat soluble vitamins like X, D, E, and K. You need fat to absorb vitamins and nutrients. Fat free diet (not good for health) and healthy diet (derives 30% of calories from fat) is different. Then for healthy diet you should avoid saturated and trans fat and include monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fat filled foods like olive oil, corn, nuts, omega 3 fats found in fish.

Why do people need a good diet?

if we dont stick to a balanced diet then we will turn fat.

Why might a diet involving too much vegetable oil make you fat?

Fat is high in calories; you don't need a lot of it. Too many calories from any source can make you fat.