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Q: How much fluid is in one drop of blood?
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How many red blood cells are in one drop of blood?


What is one drop of blood made of?

it is made out of red blood cells

What is the average number of red blood cells in one drop?

Between the range of 3 to 5 million cells per drop of blood.

What is one way to describe embalming?

Draining the blood from the human body, and replacing the blood with an embalming fluid. Embalming fluid is a specialized liquid much like Antifreeze which permits the dead human to go through a cold spell without freezing.

How many thousands of platelets are in one drop of human blood?


Platelet count in one drop of blood?

150000 to 400000/mm3

How many white blood cells in 1 drop of blood?

White blood cells are the largest of the blood cells but also the fewest. There are only 5000 to 10,000 white blood cells per microliter. There are several different types of white cells but all are related to immunity and fighting infection. On average there are 50 microliters in one drop of blood. There are 250,000 to 500,000 white blood cells per drop of blood.

Is one drop of water a fluid ounce?

No, its exactly 600 drops of water or whatever your doing it with.

How much fluid in one kilogram?

One kilogram of fluid. The volume of fluid will depend on its density or specific gravity.

What is the effect of brake fluid on plants?

Typically brake fluid is a petroleum base, so one drop won't typically hurt them but if emersed it will kill them.

How much water is in one gallon?

If a serving is equal to eight ounces, then one gallons would equal 16 servings.