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Q: How much folic acid can a bipolar woman trying to censive take?
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Are woman bipolar?

Not all woman are but guys can also have it to.

How much folic acid to take?

Non pregnant people should have 400 mcg of folic acid and pregnant woman should increase their folic acid intake to 800 mcg.

Is 800 mg of folic acid too much for a woman?

is 5 mg is ok for a women

Why is folic acid important in a pregnante woman's diet?

It is important in order to assure adequate absorption of iron for her and the fetus.

Is bipolar disorder prevalence equal among men and woman?

Yes, bipolar disorder affects men and women in about equal numbers but it manifests in different ways between the sexes.

Does folic acid help support pregnancy?

The Department of Health recommends that women should take a daily supplement of 0.4mg of folic acid while they are trying to conceive, and should continue taking this dose for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, when the baby's spine is developing. Therefore, it doesn't help a woman to get pregnant, it assists with the spinal development of the fetus.

Can you drink vitamin water in lieu of taking prenatal vitamin?

No. Prenatals contain folic acid, which you need in order to prevent fetal monstrosities. Vitamin water does not contain folic acid in sufficient quantities for a pregnant woman

How much folic acid for how long prevents neural tube defects in babies?

There is no guarantee that folic acid supplementation will prevent neural tube defects, though it has been proven to reduce the risk. In a woman who has no family history of neural tube defects, it is suggested that she take 0.4 mg of folic acid each day, while a woman with a family history is asked to take 4 mg of folic acid each day (10 times the amount). Ideally the women would begin taking folic acid at least 3 months before conception, and continue it through at least the end of the first trimester.

What is folic acid medication?

Effective against mouth and Lip ulcers of a non malignant nature, dosage is 50 mg two times a day for about 5 days. Long Term use is not recommended unless medically advised. Can be withdrawn with dietary supplements such as leafy green vegetables.

How do bipolar schizophrenia woman act in married life?

Like any other person, each individual suffering with bipolar schizophrenia is unique. It is not possible to make generalizations about how any woman might act in married life, much less any person with a diagnosed mental illness.

Does everyone with bipolar cheat?

No. My best friend is bi-polar and has only been with one woman for his entire life.

Who would need to take folic acid?

When a woman is pregnant she should take 800 micrograms a day in order to prevent birth defects