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Q: How much folic acid should you take in daily while pregnant?
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Does folic acid help support pregnancy?

The Department of Health recommends that women should take a daily supplement of 0.4mg of folic acid while they are trying to conceive, and should continue taking this dose for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, when the baby's spine is developing. Therefore, it doesn't help a woman to get pregnant, it assists with the spinal development of the fetus.

Why take folic acid?

Ideally, take folic acid if you are trying to conceive (in the form of a pre-natal vitamin). Folic acid makes the most difference (in my understanding) in the first trimester of pregnancy as that is when neural tube and brain development is most involved.

When the pregnant woman can take a folic acid?

You should be taking 0.5mg of folate per day for three months before you fall pregnancy and for your entire pregnancy. Studies have shown that to be most effective you need to take this EVERY day, not just 6 days a week and hope for the best on the other day.

What should you eat and drink while pregnant?

What you eat and drink while pregnant is very important. Getting enough folic acid, vitamins and calories are all an important part of the babies development. Eating fresh foods and healthy foods is the best route to go.

What is a good nutrition plan for pregnant women?

Nutrition while pregnant is one of the biggest responsibilities a mother has as every thing she consumes is also consumed by the baby. Good nutrition should include taking prenatal vitamins daily, eating well-rounded and nutritious meals that are low in carbohydrates and high in vitamins, and one that contains a high amount of folic acid.

How many vitamins should a mother take while pregnant?

Prenatal vitamins are the best. Ask your doctor. Don't take vitamins which are not specifically for pregnant women as some (like vitamin A) can cause problems. With vitamins more is not better.

Is broccoli healthy to eat while pregnant?

Yes, it's very healthy to eat when you're pregnant. It contains a lot of folic acid, besides other vitamins and minerals, so it's really good for the baby and you.

Can you still get your period while your pregnant?

Some women have bleeding while pregnant that they think is their period, but bleeding while pregnant is NOT normal and should be evaluated by an OBYN!

If you are taking Phenytoin EX 3 100 mg doses per day it says you should not take folic acid - does this mean that you should no longer eat foods that are high in folic acid content?

I would ask your doctor or pharmacist this question, but my gut reaction is -- I wouldn't eat foods high in folic acid while on that medication.

Can you get pregnant if you forgot your take your pills for 5 days?

Yes! You can get pregnant while taking the pill daily as well. However, the chances of getting pregnant after forgetting the pill for 5 days are much higher. You may also get your period and should start over with a fresh pack.

Is it illegal to serve alcohol to someone pregnant?

No one should drink while they're pregnant. Drinking while pregnant causes fetal alcohol syndrome.

Can a woman exercise while she is pregnant?

Yes and she should.