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Q: How much food can a cow's stomach hold?
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How much kg of food your stomach can hold?

2.5 kg

How much liquid can an average adult stomach hold?

An adult's human stomach can holdabout 1 quart (.94 liters) of food/liquid.

How much food can a stomach hold?

2-4 Litters. The previous poster is partially incorrect. In humans, the stomach has a relaxed, near empty volume of about 45 ml. It is a distensible organ. It normally expands to hold about 1 litre of food,[4] but will hold as much as 2-3 litres (whereas a newborn baby will only be able to retain 30ml). The reason you can often eat more is some food is already being digest / passed through to the small intestine as you eat.

How much liters can an average stomach hold up to?

The stomach's capacity is about 1 qt (0.94 liters) in an adult. Sorry though idk about a kid's

How much weight can a human stomach hold?

it can hold up to 2 gallons

What organ that can hold about one liter og liquid and food?

In adult humans, the stomach has a relaxed, near empty volume of about 45 ml. Because it is a distensible organ, it normally expands to hold about one litre of food,[4] but can hold as much as two to three litres. The stomach of a newborn human baby will only be able to retain about 30 ml

How much food can be in a kid stomach?

Typically children will have a pound of food in their stomach. This amount of food roughly equals the size of their fist.

How much food can a stomach have?

1000 tons

What are two reasons you need to make sure you chew your food well?

1. chewing food well prevents chocking. 2. chewing food puts less stress on your stomach. your stomach is the size of your fist when not full, but it can expand almost 20 times its size when filled. the better you chew, the more your stomach can hold. putting too much food down your throat at one time after not eating for a while will make your stomach hurt, because it is not ready for it. chewing food more will allow time for your stomach to prepare to digest.

What is stomach and how to work?

Stomach is an organ in your body that digests much of your food. It has the pH of 2 and sends the digested food into the intestines.

How much food should i eat?

only fit for your stomach.

What makes you have upset stomach when you eat to much?

some time there are bad things in the food that make you stomach upset