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It depens on the type. If it is small then about 3-4 seeds. If it is bigger than 4-6.

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Q: How much food can a hamster fill it's cheeks with?
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Your Hamster is putting food in her pouch then putting it back?

When your Hamster is putting food in his mouth, and not swallowing it, it means he/she is putting food in his cheeks. it doesn't hurt them, they just store them into their cheeks for later. Every hamster does that, don't worry too much! ~Hope this helps!~

Is it bad for a hamster to eat food whole?

Well, it may look like a hamster is eating food whole, but actually, the have cheek poaches. They can put as much food as they want in there, then chew a swallow a certain amount, depending on how much they want. You can not see the them do this because, it is inside of there mouth. If you ever see there cheeks big, it is because they are storing food!

Why can a hamster stuff so much food into it's mouth?

Hamsters can hoard food in their cheek pouches. That's why you see their cheeks so stuffed!

What do hamsters and guinea pigs eat?

hamster food cucumber carrots lettuce not to much of these things cuz they get diaherria no ruhbarb no tomatos and no bannans hamster food cucumber carrots lettuce not to much of these things cuz they get diaherria no ruhbarb no tomatos and no bannans

Is your hamster eating to much?

my hamster eats a lot! but it also runs a lot so it is okay. Hamsters are rather round little hamsters but it doesn't mean it is fat.if you think your hamster is eating to much,then you could slowly give it less but do not give it too little,hamsters also store their food in there cheeks or bring their food to a place and eat it there.It should not matter if your hamster is a little bit fat it still is sweet.

How much food can a hamster eat?

A LOT...according to their fat little body, I'd say about two pounds! And by looking at their cheeks? Oh my u should see my hamsters once he's to the point when he can't hold anymore food

How many times does hamster eat?

Just leave a bowl of hamster food and add a little more each day and at the end of each week throw out the remains of the hamster food and wash the food bowl then put some more hamster food in the bowl.

What can a copious amount of food do to a hamster's organs?

Too much food may cause a hamster's organs to "burst."

How much to feed dwarf hamster per week?

1-3 tablespoons of hamster mix and if your hamster can have large portions of vegetables or fruits you can give them some but you would have to take it out every next day you put it in the bowl

How much food hamsters need to eat a day?

Hamsters will eat about 1 and 1/2 teaspoons of food per day. However, you should give the hamster a little more food so that they can store it where they sleep.

What are some commmon hamster behaviors?

They love to run on their wheel or in a ball that`s made to go through the house,also they love to make beds(so keep the cage clean)and they like to stuff their cheeks with as much food as they can get in there.

How much does hamster food cost at petland?

about $5.00