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You should keep their cage with timothy hay and veggies all day they will eat when they want too.

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Q: How much food do guinea pigs need or should have daily?
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How much should guinea pigs drink and eat?

you just put in the food and water. Your guinea pig will eat and drink until it is full.

How much food should be given to a guinea pig?

1/4 cup of pellets per day.

What and how much do guinea pigs eat?

Guinea pigs can eat all sorts of different foods. They can eat apples, oranges, carrots, celery, kiwi, and lots of other fruits and vegetables. They can also eat guinea pig food from the pet stores and timothy hay. A fully grown guinea pig eats about one hand full of guinea pig food daily plus some hay. Various fruits and vegetables can be mixed into the guinea pig's diet also. Enough food for a whole day should be given daily, but fruits and vegetables shouldn't be left in a guinea pig's cage for a long period of time.

Can Ginny pigs eat hamster and gerbil food?

no, they should eat food that has been made just for guinea pigs.

How much food should you give guinea pig if your gone for 3 days?

You shouldn't leave your guinea pig alone for 3 days. You will need someone to take care of them.

How much should be given to a guinea pig?

How much what?

How many carrots can guinea pigs have per day?

Too much carrots can cause health problems such as bladder stones or kidney diseases in Guinea Pigs.You should not give carrots daily to your Guinea Pig.I suggest giving a carrot once in a week.But,you can give small pieces of carrot daily.But you should not give too much carrots to your Guinea Pig.They contains too much Vitamin A.

How much do you need to feed a guinea pig at a time?

They should have food and water available to them at all times. You can look up what types of veggies and fruits to feed them and how often, but the water and pellets just always keep them filled. Check the pellets daily to see if they need to be re-filled and change the water daily. Hope this helped you.

Can guinea pig eat cilantro?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat cilantro but it should be given as treat and not as their major source of food. Cilantro offers vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to your guinea pig.

Does Ginny pigs get lifeless if it over eats?

No! Guinea Pigs likes to eat food all the time.It is a good sign of health.A Guinea Pig that is not eating maybe sick and should be checked by a vet.Guinea Pigs should have unlimited hay in their diet.You should not give your Guinea pig too much treats and pellets.But,they should have hay all the time.

How much food do you give your guinea pig?

You should feed your guinea pig twice a day, once in the morning(7am-9am) and once at night(6pm-10pm). You should vary their food every few days by putting in a couple strawberry tops or tomatoes or even apples(don't give them to much apple or they will get sick and cut the apple into smallpieces). Theiraverage meal should be 1 and a halfpiecesof lettuce and 2-3 carrots andoccasionally2-3 raw green, red or orange peppers.

Can you feed your hamster guinea pig food?

No,NEVER,EVER give a guinea pig hamster food.Hamster food contains nuts,which are fine for the hamster but will almost certainly choke your guinea pig.Also hamster food contains corn which is way too fattening for guinea pigs. And lastly a guinea pig needs a lot of vitamin C which guinea pig food has plenty of while hamster food doesn't have nearly enough,plus hamster food has too much protein for guinea pigs.