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Q: How much food do you need for a 14 day space trip to the moon?
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Why do you need to take food to the moon?

Because there is no food in space/the moon, and humans eat food to survive...?

Why are smaller rockets needed on the moon?

the moon is small and we don't need much space

What you need to go to the moon?

you need escape craft, space suits, food and drink, space ship, control panel, people, bathrooms, bedrooms

How much fuel do you need to get to the International Space Station?

1.7 billion hobos fartin to get to the moon

What materials are needed for space travel?

What you need 2 travel on the moon is water, food, shelter, oxygen, and lots of other supplies example space suit

Why do you have space food?

You need space food to give nutrition to astronauts. They need energy to perform tasks thus need food.

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What things will you need to live in space?

Oxygen, food, space food, water, shelter

What do astronauts take with them to the moon?

If you are travelling to space, you would have to take:FoodWaterOxygenA radio (to talk to your families on Earth)A camera (to take pictures of the planets)We're sorry if this did not answer your question, but it did answer a little bit of it.

What do you need to know about going to the moon?

Wear a space suit

What food will you need on the moon?

Chicken Rice

What do people take to the moon?

To get to the moon, astronauts need to survive space travel. For that they need air, water, food and protection from cosmic radiation and from the heat and hard accelerations of the takeoff and landing. Once you get this covered, you need a space suit that supports you on the surface; heavy boots to keep you from drifting away in the moon's gravity; a robust vehicle to carry you; experimental equipment (shovels and test tubes etc.) People visiting the moon tend to leave there flags and plaques documenting their presence there.