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They eat seals

they eat like 4

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Q: How much food does a polar bear eat a day?
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How much do Bear eat a day?

a polar bear's stomach can hold up to between fifteen and twenty percent of its body weight in food. its diet consists primarily of protein and fat. a polar bear can go for months without eating.

How much do polar bears eat daily?

Polar bear eats 150lbs meat every day.

How much does a polar bear eatsin one day?

Polar Bear do not typically eat fish. Their diet consists mainly of seals, but they will resort to eating fish if no seals are available. Polar bears need to consume nearly four and a half pounds of fat daily to survive.

How much do teddy bear hamsters eat?

2 teaspoons of hamster food a day.

What problams will o polar bear left in desert?

Assuming it is a hot desert, the polar bear would die of heat stroke very quickly, probably in a few hours or less. Assuming that didn't happen (let's say the polar bear hid in a cave during the day and only came out at night), the miserable bear would die of dehydration. If it somehow found a little spring, then there still wouldn't be any decent food sources for the bear.

Where is chipboard from?

Tanzania but originally from Antarctica from the species of the Atlantic Polar Bear Tree. It was named the Atlantic Polar Bear Tree because the polar bears would climb the tree all day long.

What do polar bears do daily?

Polar bears do not have a routine like humans do. What a polar bear does in a day is never the same. There are numerous days where a polar bear is just travelling, not eating, or waiting out a snow storm. It all depends on the bear and the time of year, among many other things.

How much food does a grizzly bear kneed a day?

Grizzly Bears Eat About 10-15 Times A Day

What covering does a polar bear have?

the polar bear has a fur covering of which most people think is white, but actually it is transparent, and they have lots of it so it looks white! have a nice day x

How many fish does a bear eat per day?

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Where does the polar bear get its name?

The Polar Bear was described by Constantine John Phipps as a species, using the Latin for "maritime bear" because of the animal's habitat. This is the scientific name for the Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus). The Inuit people refer to the Polar Bear as Nanook, or Nanuk. This means an "animal worthy of great respect." The "native peoples" generally considered the Polar Bear to be wise, "almost a man". Some believed the bear so powerful, that special rituals were observed when they were hunted, and after killing one. Legends are still told to this day and the Polar Bear is still called "the great lonely roamer" or as their poetry shows, "Pihpqahiak; the ever-wandering one." with much respect by the Inuit. For more details, please see sites listed below.

What animal sleeps more polar bear or koala bear?

Koalas (which are not bears at all, but marsupials) sleep for between 16 and 21 hours a day. This is more than polar bears, which sleep for an averge of 8-9 hours a day.