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General rule of thumb for feeding any puppy (under one year of age) is one cup per ten pounds of body weight per day. So if your beagle is 20 pounds at 8 months, he/she would get two cups per day split into two or three meals. Upon entering adulthood, the feeding amount should be about one cup per twenty pounds per day. So that same 20 pound dog would get one cup of food per day split into two meals. However, this can be slightly more or less depending on your pet's activity level. If he/she seems to be getting to heavy, decrease the amount.

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As much as it can eat. Put some in a bowl and see how much it eats.

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Q: How much food should a 2 year old beagle be eating a day?
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Depending on how much it weighs, mostly likely it is not. Good rule to remember is about one cup of food per twenty pounds of body weight. So if your beagle should weigh twenty pounds, one cup is sufficient. However, beagles are prone to obesity and should have a carefully monitored diet. Stay away from high calorie foods and switch to a diet food. Also, instead of one meal, split the food into two meals to decrease the chance of the dog getting hungry again or over eating.

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You can get sick from eating too much of anything!

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Eating too much salt, eating spicy food, and generally eating just too much.

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This depends upon two things: what kind of food are you eating, and how much of it are you eating.

Your dog has not been eating as much what could be wrong?

Maybe he/she doesn't notice his/her food you should try putting it in front of him/her and see if he or she will start eating or maybe he or she is not hungry as it use 2 b so much!!!

Terrier beagle mix are they barkers?

Yes, they bark... but not as much as a plain beagle. Beagle terriers are some of my favorite dogs

How much fast food should you eat each week?

I wouldn't recommend eating fast food at all, if I were you. I understand it is tempting to eat fast food every once in a while... but too much "junk" is just simply bad for your health.Fast food should not be eaten everyday, however, once or twice a month would be fine. When eating fast food, choosing the healthier foods available would be better.

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