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Q: How much fructose is in diet soda?
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What makes regular soda different from diet soda?

The main factor is the sweetening agent. Regular soda sweetens with high fructose corn syrup or sugar. Diet soda uses aspartame

What is the predominant sweetener used in formulating beverages?

Sugar for regular soda, and aspartame for diet soda. Sometimes Splenda is used in diet soda.

Is non diet soda bad for you?

no, they should only have diet soda, there is too much sugar and insulin is not as effective with it, it can raise their blood sugar to enormously high amounts.

What is the dicussion with diet soda floating and regular soda not?

Well, it is affected by how much sugar is in a normal soda compared to a diet. But, the sugars are about the same its just that the diet sodas have fake sugar in them. There has beenbig fights about whether a diet soda is healthier. I personally just take normal soda only once in a while instead of everyday.

What is in diet soda than just soda?

Both regular soda and diet soda are sweetened, but diet soda is sweetened with artificial sweetener and thus has few or no calories.

Which soda eats the most enamel off your teeth?

any soda with high fructose corn syrup

Does Mentos and soda only work with diet soda?

Nope, both regular and diet soda work. Although Diet soda is preferable since it erupts more violently.

Does orange soda has high fructose corn syrup?

yes, the majority of any sodas contain high fructose corn syrup.

Is there sugar in club soda?

No, because if diet soda has sugar in it, people won't call it diet soda.

How much sugar does diet Mountain Dew have in it?

Diet soda doesn't have sugar. It has sugar substitute like nutrasweet or aspartame.

What soda is the healthiest soda to drink?

Neither diet soda or regular soda is good for you to drink. Try sweetening water with fruit like lemons or limes.

Is diet soda good for a diet?

No soda is good for a diet. Try sticking to water! Diet soda contains harmful chemicals, such as aspartame. However, energy drinks are alright (not sugar free)