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It depends on what you are driving or flying.

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Q: How much fuel is needed to the moon and back to earth?
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How much fuel is needed to get to the moon and back in a spacecraft?

a lot

Which requires more fuel -- a rocket going from the Earth to the Moon or a rocket coming from the Moon to Earth?

the moon because it has only one sixth of the gravitational pull that Earth does

How much fuel needed to get to the moon?

how much fuel is needed to get to the moon in a rocket

Which requires more fuel a rocket goin to the moon or a rocket comin from the moon?

Due to the higher gravity amount, a rocket will be pulled back when leaving earth, and pulled forward when going to earth.

How many moon are needed to make Earth?

3 and a half moons are needed to make the earth!(:

If you were going to the moon what would you bring?

1. A means to land on the moon and return to earth. 2. Sufficient fuel for the trip there and back. 3. Sufficient food and water for the trip there and back. 4. A therman and radiation protective pressure suit to walk on the moon.

Does the Earth have Moon rocks?

Rocks were brought back to the Earth from the various Moon landings the Americans undertook. No other rocks from the Moon are on Earth. The Moon was formed from the Earth - so, if anything, there are Earth rocks on the Moon.

Is the moon in back of the earth or in the shadow in a lunar eclipse?

The moon is in Earth's shadow during a lunar eclipse. Earth doesn't have a definite front or back.

How much fuel did it take to travel to the moon and back?

It took about 199,000 gallons to the moon and 189,001 gallons back

If the sun is luminous what are the earth and moon?

Earth and Moon are Non-Luminous, and a bit reflective. Moon light is sun light that has bounced back from the moon.

Why does a rocket take more fuel to launch off the moon than earth?

Actually its the other way around, if a rocket were to launch off the moon it would take less fuel than if it had launched off of earth. It would take less fuel because the moon has lighter gravity.

Why is the moon illuminated?

Light from the sun is reflected off the moon back to the earth, which is why the moon looks illuminated. sun-----------------> moon earth <-------