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a lot like quit a lot to be honest its unberliverable

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Q: How much has the population of tigers dropped in the past 100 years?
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How much has the animals population dropped?

the population of aniMALS hasn't dropped dRopPed only certain species have like rhino ...k.

What made the bangal tiger endangered?

Bengal tigers were hunted by hunters that were not regulated by bag limits, killing hundreds over a period of years. Also, a growing human population has destroyed much of their habitat.

How many more years till tigers are gone?

science people poach them so much and some places are not doing things about it I'd say about 50 more years :( but if people start helping them then tigers will live much longer.

How much water has lake mead dropped over the past years?

3.22357663e+13 liters

What is the population of malayan tigers?

five years ago it was about 5,500 to about 6000. But ive heard that it is shrinking fast so im unsure of what it is currently... must not be good though. that's the world tiger population by the way

How much does the population of Bengal tigers go down each year?

The latest survey gave encouraging news. The Indian population, at least, showed an increase in the tiger's numbers, to nearly 1900, up from 1400 a few years ago. Other Bengal tiger populations were steady, or declining slightly.

Emigration in a sentence?

emigranty are people who leave one country and settle in another .

How much has the population of elephants decreased over the past ten years?

SO much.

How much time does a tiger take to grow?

Tigers are full grown at four years, tigresses at three and a half.

How much of the Angola population is children?

About 43.5 percent of the population of 5,571,406 citizens are between zero and 14 years of age.

How much did The population of Native Americans in Spanish colonies dropped?

a. 10 percent. c. 75 percent. b. 30 percent. d. 90 percent. which one

Does tigers have any animals that get along with?

NO, Tigers worry to much about killing