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Q: How much heat energy does the sun produce in a day?
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The amount of Watts a tidal energy gives is 200-300W

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The energy produced is related to the size of the power plant, not the amount of gas it uses. The question you really want answered is "How much gas does it take to produce a kilowatt of electricity?"

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How much WHAT? It can't produce ANY brownies, but can produce energy storing molecules in plants The energy synthesis would vary depending on the size, and type of plant, it's overall health, the availability of CO2 and water, and the amount & intensity of the light it was exposed to.

How much energy does tidal plants produce per day?

Every turbine gives 300-400 homes power.

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I'd estimate around 19,278kwh per day.

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Currently H2 produces 82,986,98,009 squared energy bases per day in the entire world.I hope this information helps you-

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well energy is stored in the heat from the sun and while the heat travels the energy is burned and the heat survives

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because chloroplasts produce energy in the daylight and mitochondria produce energy day and night

How much energy the sun gives off in a day?

Radiant light(1367 W/sq.m) Radiant heat (3,850,000 EJ)

How much energy does a nuclear reactor produce in one day?

Depends on the output of the reactor, but new PWR's are rated at about 1500 MW (megawatts), so in one day would produce 1500 x 24 Megawatthours = 36,000 MWh

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they produce about 400,000

Roughly how much energy a day is created by an average solar panel?

It really depends on where you live, and how much sun your place gets. But on average, an average solar panel might be able to produce 17.5kwh per day.