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I don't know if's jupiter is hotter or colder than eath

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Q: How much hotter or colder is Jupiter's mean temperature compared to earth's mean temperature?
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Jupiters density is around 1.33 g/cc on average, less dense than Earth and the other inner planets, but much more massive overall. Diameter of Jupiter (at the equator) is around 88,847 miles (compared to 7926 miles for the earth). Jupiters circumference at the equator is around 449,202 miles (compared with 40,075 miles for the earth). Jupiters volume is 1321 times that of Earths.

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Mars. With an average surface temperature of -63 degrees Celsius, it is much colder than Earths average of +14 degrees Celsius - but it is the closest to it.

How much volume does Jupiter have?

Jupiters volume is 1.43128×10 to the 15 cubic km or around 1321.3 Earths

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The earths temperature varies for example living on the equator it would be hotter but up in the north lets say iceland it would be a lot colder so there is no real earths temperature(unless you get to the core of the earth)

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it depends on the deepth

How many earths would it take to equal the diameter of earth?

Jupiter's diameter = 11.21 x Earths (142,984km). That does not sound much, but we are just talking about one dimension here. If the volumes are compared, the size difference in the one dimension is cubed, giving Jupiters volume around 1400 times the volume of earth (actually nearer to 1320 time Earths volume due to Jupiter being a `squashed sphere`).