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Q: How much is 0.10 in prostate cancer psa?
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Is it normal to have a PSA of 1.6 and have prostate cancer?

PSA is just one indicator of prostate cancer. It is possible to have prostate cancer and have a normal PSA reading.

What is a psa count of 6?

PSA stands for Prostate Specific Antigen. The prostate is constantly renewing itself or growing. At the same time, the body is producing antigens to try to destroy the prostate as if it were a foreign body. The faster the prostate produces new cells, the faster the body produces PSA.. If there is a cancer in the prostate, the cancer cells are prostate cells, but they are produced much faster than normal prostate cells. As a result, when the man has prostate cancer, it can be detected by measuring his PSA. The PSA reading must be compared to the individual's normal PSA reading to know whether he has prostate cancer. When a prostate cancer is being treated, the PSA reading can be compared to earlier PSA readings to determine whether the cancer is receding or growing. A PSA of 6 is rather high and probably indicates there is prostate cancer growth.

What is the definition of prostate psa?

A test for PSA may be used to screen for cancer of the prostate of an individual. PSA is a protein produced by the prostate gland and building up this protein may lead to cancer.

What's prostate PSA and what does it mean?

Prostate PSA is a test for prostate cancer. It looks for a specific antigen that is used to diagnose prostate cancer. It is highly recommended that you get this once a year.

What does a PSA test screen for?

"Someone takes a PSA test to look for signs of prostate cancer. The PSA can help identify cancer early on, when treatment is most likely effective. It can also be done by a simply available blood test."

How much does a PSA test cost?

A PSA test will cost as much as $500 for those that do not have insurance. This is a test that has to do with prostate cancer in men.

A screening test to detect prostate cancer that measures protein levels is called?

The prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test is a blood screen for prostate cancer.

How does a person know if a PSA offers useful information?

The PSA test is a test to diagnose prostate cancer in men. It measures the blood level of PSA, a protein that is produced by the prostate gland. If the PSA level is high, the person is more likely to have prostate cancer.

What do higher than normal PSA levels mean?

Elevated PSA levels can mean different things. It can point to a higher risk of cancer of the prostate or it could point to a more benign enlargement of the prostate. It is important to understand that prostate cancer can occur with normal PSA levels present. Your boyfriend should follow up with his physician to do more tests to determine what is causing the elevated PSA levels.

What is considered a high PSA level?

PSA is a measure of how high your risk of prostate cancer is. A PSA of ten or above can be considered a high PSA, however this depends on the age of the patient. You can learn more about treatment for prostate cancer if you have a high PSA at the related link below.

What substance is found in blood of men with prostate cancer?

PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) is usually found in blood of men with prostate cancer.

What does a 11.5 PSA test mean?

A PSA score of 11.5 is high. Normal PSA for men age 50 is 4-6, but a high PSA in itself does not mean the presence of prostate cancer. A high PSA can indicate an enlarged prostate or Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH) or prostate infection. A urologist can determine your condition through a biopsy to detect the presence of cancer cells.