

How much is 3 liters when it comes to drinking water?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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3 liters of water is 3 liters of water since the s.g of water is exactly 1. this is only so for water and for none other liquid.

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Q: How much is 3 liters when it comes to drinking water?
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It depends on how much water comes out of your shower head.

By drinking 6 liters of water will you pass your drug test?

No but you will have no problem filling the little cup. If you really want to pass the drug test, stop doing drugs. Drinking 6 liters of water in a short period of time can also be fatal, because of the risk of water poisoning - drinking too much water disrupts the balance of electrolytes in the body and causes the brain to swell. I suggest you look it up.

How much water should drink in pregnancy according to who?

1,5-2 liters a day as usual according to the doctor. Drinking more can be dangerous.

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The body needs 1,5-2 liters a day for an adult. Drinking more than that can be dangerous.

How much weight can you lose by drinking 2 liters of water per day?

I think you are mistake. Drinking water is a good habit but it's not the perfect way to reduce weight. Rather than drinking 2 litres of water in a day, start drinking Luke warm water empty stomach. You can add some drops of lemon and honey into it for best results.

Does it take 6 liters of water to kill a person?

Though it's extremely rare, drinking too much water too quickly can be fatal. I don't know how much is too much and it would vary by individual

How much is 10 liters of water?

Within a day, i would say it's possible. Scientists have said that drinking 60 cups of water within an hour is enough to flood your system and kill you.

How much can A bucket of water that has 9 liters of water hold?

9 liters

How much of the earths water is fresh water and how much is for drinking?

3% is fresh, but 1% is for drinking.

What happens if you drink a gallon of water in one sitting?

Drinking over 2 liters of water a day is not harmful. It can cause you to have to go the bathroom quite a bit, so it is more of an annoyance. Drinking that amount of water is good for you.

How can you keep track of how much you are drinking during practice?

try buying liter bottles of water, so if you buy 3-2liter bottles of water and drank all 3 of them, you drank 6 liters of water at practice.

How much is 8 cups of water in liters?

8 cups of water is approximately two (1.892) liters.