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it depends on the hamsters and the cage but i would say from 30 and up

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12y ago

depends on the size, usually $20-$50

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Q: How much is a big hamster cage?
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Can you keep your hamster in guinea pig cage?

no guinea pigs are herd animals while hamsters need there privacy

How big of a cage would you need for a dwarf hamster?

a square foot of running space per hamster

What is a hamster cage?

Its a small or kind of big cage with a plastic bottom and wire top. You put bedding in it and toys. Then a hamster. Go on google images and you can see one. Wow dude. You didn't know that? What part didn't you get? HAMSTER, OR CAGE??????? Yea I'm sorry but that was a gay question. Whats a hamster cage? Really!

Can a hamster die if you put it in a new cage?

Yes, it'd be best for the new hamster who is coming in to the cage. And would be much more sanitary.

How much woodshaving do you put in a hamster cage?

enough so the hamster can hide under it.

What would happen if you put a small female hamster and a big female hamster in the same cage?

The big hampster would pwn the little one.

What if I don't have a cage for my hamster?

get rid of the hamster or buy a cage for it!!

What is the easiest kind of cage to clean when you have a hamster?

The bigger the cage the better but not so big because your Hamster will do its buisness in more places which means that it'll take more time to clean. Depending on your size of Hamster, the depending of the size of cage. For more Information, visit:

How much does a hamster travel cage cost?

$12and up

What size cage is ok for a black Syrian hamster and where's the best place to get a black Syrian hamster?

as long as its not to big and not to small

Why is a plastic cage appropriate for a hamster?

The best kind of cage you can get for your hamster is a wire cage with a plastic bottom. It is well ventilated and the hamster can climb.

What cage shall you get for your hamster?

you should get a cage that allows you pet to get plenty of big enough to have a water bottle and food and a wheel.