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Q: How much is a cosplay Outfit in the japan. In yen. please.?
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Should you cosplay as Sasuke from Naruto or Rolo from code geass?

Well, I would wanna be Rolo, since I adore him. But Sasuke's cosplay outfit is much easier to get.

How much is a cosplay outfit in the US?

Depends on the quality and the size. An average oufit can be anywhere from 50$ to 150$ sometimes less if you look on the internet. Try they usually have some cosplay.

Where can you find a good Auron cosplay?

I don't believe that there are much stores that sell Final Fantasy 10 cosplay costumes, so your best bet would to be checking online. Online stores have great selections of Final Fantasy cosplay costumes.

When will naruto live action come out?

Universal studios Japan is doing a live action show in JAPAN only, i dont know if any videos will be released online, but hopefully there will ^-^. Also to be honest the costumes are very bad, so most cosplay shows are much better x3

What is the coolest outfit on poptropica?

It pretty much matters if the outfit combo you get is rare or not. But for me, a spy island outfit is pretty cool.

What cosplayer do you like?

I am a cosplay fans and I like Kiryu Zero in the Vampire Knight very much.

If at a cosplay how much do plushies cost?

Do you mean how much do plushies cost at an anime convention? They range in price 8-20 dollars or so.

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Where can you get cosplay stuff?

you can always buy online, however i find shopping in consignment much better. you can try online cospay store

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What character should you Cosplay as if you are an 11 year old boy and have blond hair blue eyes?

you could be naruto or deidara (if you have long enough hair)